AGE: unknown


during combat project zero [REDACTED] is a chef but [REDACTED] is also a canibal and reveals that his food he serves is people that have went missing without a trace left of them other than being peoples meals. Zero gets pissed off and almost attacks [REDACTED] but they make a agreement and zero leaves but this was the biggest mistake zero had ever made. [REDACTED] watches as zero goes out to fight his way to Jarvis and it brings out a bloodlust in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] gets his chainsaw and modifies it into a horrific sword/chainsaw hybrid and goes out in a stealth mission to find the enhancement drug so he can become unstopable. after enough time he begins a group named The Anarchy Trio and they all work together going on a massacre as a way to bring down the SE (Scientific Evolution) eventually the members get sick of the mass murder and confront [REDACTED] about this and [REDACTED] tricks Kolbolt into shooting himself point blank with a shotgun but in a way that doesnt kill him immedietly so [REDACTED] can mock and laugh at him as he bleeds to chokes to death. [REDACTED] then is seen by the other member who confronts him about how much he has been tormented by him and before he gets a chance to fight he gets ripped apart in seconds. [REDACTED] then goes after DJ Death but finds out Zero is there and watches as Zero beats the shit out of DJ death on stage until he gets the info he wants. After Zero leaves [REDACTED] begins to massacre and kill everyone in the room killing DJ Death last but DJ Death even in his battered state outsmarts [REDACTED] and manages to break the goggles [REDACTED] is wearing and barely manages to get distance but in the end [REDACTED] in his extremely pissed off state from his vision being messed up and his non stop bloodlust he tortures DJ Death until he rips him apart. [REDACTED] is seen as a kill on sight by the SE which cuts down Zeros problems significantly but eventually Zero walks into a room filled with a bunch of mangled bodies and the floor and walls are drenched in blood and guts and [REDACTED] stands there waiting for zero and they argue to the point where they try to kill each other but even with [REDACTED] being almost a unkillable entity some people who are tasked with the job of killing [REDACTED] decide to not intervene and watch as [REDACTED] is killed by zero. zero is spared by the people even though they were still tasked with the job of detaining zero. later on a security camera catches a low quality recording of [REDACTED] getting back up and leaving the SE but this was not the end of his raign of terror

Nostalgia Freak ยท all must die

explaining the controversy where a fangame was made using my character and I had nothing to do with what they did

there was a fangame made around 2021-2023 where someone used my characters to make a racist game where you killed black people with chainsaws and they named the character RIPPER which is the file name for shit to do with this character. their proper name is Jack but there is 2 jacks in the series henceforth the file name was different but never the actual name and unfortunetly they also stole voicelines which I voice acted meaning I have had people harrass me aswell because they used a lot of my stuff without my permission and I have had their shit come to me because some people dont know how to research and would rather jump straight to conclusions