
this page is still a wip as there is a lot of lore to add here

AGE: 27-29 (Combat Project Zero) 38-39 (Transfur Zero)


during crystal smash zero is one of the best in terms of fighting abilites and is particulary very violent towards Jarvis unlike with travis who he goes slightly easier on in a fight. zero has his backstory explained when you unlock his part of the story in crystal smash where you see a different version of him wearing a gray coloured jacket and wearing no mask but he witnesses the killing of his son right in front of him done by Jarvis which then zero chases after Jarvis and is eventually knocked out and is then put into crystal smash which then he ends up fighting the final boss which is Jarvis which you get to use new abilites and have to button spam a lot as jarvis tries to struggle out of situations like pushing a knife away or grabbing onto zero which at the end they both throw each other out of the airship and fall from a great height but because crystal smash is Jarvis's own little hell for Zero the landing doesnt kill them but since Jarvis survived the landing without injury Zero is injured but not done fighting yet and with enough button spamming you get Zero to catch up to Jarvis where he ultimately kills Jarvis making everyone escape crystal smash and now the real zero has to face the real Jarvis and proceeds to beat the ever living shit out of Jarvis before Jarvis gets away. during combat project zero Zero after failing to catch up to Jarvis finds a cafe and steals the food meeting the chef Jack and leaving to hunt down Jarvis. after a while Zero comes across Kevin again but this time Kevin doesnt know its zero and tries to shoot Zero point blank with a shotgun before he gets it knocked out of his hand and Zero and Kevin fist fight till they both get to know each other again and they both work on hunting down Jarvis. a bunch of posters start appearing of a guy wearing goggles covered in blood with the words kill on sight or run if you can and eventually zero and kevin lose each other during this time and kevin is presumed dead. Zero all alone finds a trail of mangled and canabalised bodies and eventually runs back into jack feasting on someones heart before throwing it at zero and about to charge at zero with their chainsaw blade but stop themself to talk to zero before zero fights Jack to the death and ends up managing to win the fight but still not managing to fully kill Jack. zero continues his hunt for Jarvis and ends up fighting Travis which ends up injuring him slightly but he manages to kill travis and move onto Jarvis which now with Jarvis being incredibly enhanced he manages to get close to killing zero but in zeros last bit effort he straps a c4 to Jarvis's chest and kicks him back before rolling behind rubble setting of the c4 which causes all the c4's to go off in the room causing the whole place to fall down and within the rubble and flames zero get up and limps over to Jarvis who is now unable to fight back and rips Jarvis's head off before making his way out back home which is challenging because the whole facility he is in is all falling apart and in flames

old concept art from 2016 but the character goes back to designs from 2010 but I cant find them